Dear Friends, welcome to my new site! Thank you for visiting. The purpose of this blog is to open up another forum for communication and talking about our life in Christian community. I am hoping to do several things here:
1) I am hoping to think online about questions relating to our life together as a Christian community. These will be big questions like what does it mean to be a Christian? Why do we worship? What is the point of liturgy? Why is service essential to the faith? Who is Christ? and so on. The nice thing about a blog is that if you feel moved you can be a part of the conversation.
2) I will post news articles of interest that relate to the larger Anglican and Christian world. My desire here is to help facilitate our awareness of our larger community.
3) I will post quotes and other items that will inspire and encourage us.
4) I will be looking at items that specifically look at ways that other churches in similar contexts to ours are doing exciting and successful ministries. My goal is that these items can facilitate some conversation about what may or may not work for us.
5) I will post the notes of my sermons so that people can comment on them if they want.
Please feel free to be a part of the conversation and let your voice be heard. The only rules are the same ones in any meeting in our churches: respect other voices, speak to issues and not people, use good manners. I am excited about this endeavour. Feel free just to say hi in the comments!
Yours in Christ,
Steve London
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