Francis of Assisi is one of my heroes. There is so much to read about him, but more than reading is his spirit which is so infectious. He more than perhaps anyone in history tried to imitate Christ, to follow his teaching and example of love and radical discipleship.
My favourite current book about Francis is Chasing Francis: A Pilgrim's Tale.
Here is the Wikipedia Article on St Francis.
Here is also the Wikipedia on Innocent III.
The Biblical references I mentioned are
Romans 12:2 be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Ephesians 4:23 Your mind must be renewed by a spiritual revolution so that you can put on the new self that has been created in God's way, in the goodness and holiness of the truth.
Revelations 21:5 I am making all things new
Isaiah 43:18 I am doing a new thing
2 Corinthians 5: 17 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and a new mind
Psalm 51 Create in me a clean heart O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.
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